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What order do baby teeth appear?

Answered on 11th January 2016
A baby’s teeth typically appear in a certain order and in pairs. As teeth development is hereditary, their pattern and timings are likely to follow yours.
Typical appearance of baby teeth
5-10 months: The two middle bottom teeth (called lower central incisors)
6-12 months: The upper middle teeth (called upper central incisors)
9-13 months: The upper teeth to the right and left of centre (called upper lateral incisors)
10-16 months: The lower teeth to the right and left of centre (called lower lateral incisors)
12-18 months: The first of upper and lower larger teeth toward the back of the mouth (called molars)
16-22 months: The teeth between the upper and lower molars and incisors (called canines)
20-31 months: The lower rear molars
25-33 months: The last teeth, rear upper molars
By the time your baby turns three they should have a full smile of 20 baby teeth.
(showing 10 of 10)

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