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What are the symptoms of diarrhoea in children?
Answered on 11th January 2016
The most obvious symptom of diarrhoea is watery or loose poo that is passed frequently. This can also be accompanied by a number of other symptoms such as loss of appetite, vomiting and feelings of nausea, headaches and stomach cramps.
Because a lot of water can be lost when your little one has diarrhoea, this can sometimes lead to dehydration. It is important that this is treated quickly to prevent any further complications. If your child has dehydration, they may:
not pass urine very frequently
have cold hands and feet
have skin that has become pale and mottled (skin that appears patchy)
become increasingly irritable or drowsy
(showing 4 of 4)
What causes diarrhoea in children?
Answered on 11th January 2016
Should I contact my GP if my child or baby has diarrhoea?
Answered on 11th January 2016
How do I treat diarrhoea in my baby or child?
Answered on 11th January 2016
Is there anything I can do to protect my little one from the causes of diarrhoea in the first place?
Answered on 11th January 2016
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