Tips for Teething.
How can you help ease the pain of teething for your little one?
Teething Advice
It’s no wonder teething pain can be uncomfortable – it’s caused by the irritation of the gums as your baby’s first teeth come through them.
And although it doesn’t affect every child, if it’s causing your little one trouble, then you’ll want to do something about it.
Watch our short video on how to spot the signs of teething and some of the different things you can do help your child get through it.
Here are also some common misconceptions about teething and the truth behind the myths:
Teething always begins by six months of age | Every child is different. The complete set of 20 primary teeth is usually present by the age of two-and-a-half years and in most babies, teeth start to emerge through the gums when they are around six months old but the timing of teething varies and some children may develop teeth earlier than six months old, or not develop any teeth until they are more than a year old. Download our teething chart to see the common order that individual teeth normally appear in |
Teething can cause severe systemic symptoms like diarrhoea | Some teeth grow with no pain or discomfort at all. At other times, children may experience mild symptoms. These can include drooling, irritability, flushed cheeks or disturbed sleep. There has been a perception that teething can cause symptoms such as diarrhoea, but there is no research to prove these symptoms are linked. You know your child best. If you are at all worried about your child, seek advice from your doctor. |
It’s best just to use natural remedies to treat teething pain | There are several ways to help make teething easier for your baby. It can be helpful for the child to have something hard to chew on and teething rings that can be cooled in the fridge can be particularly soothing. Teething gels containing local anaesthetics are proven to help provide pain relief from sore gums. |
See also

Teething pain
When a new tooth is on the way, it can be really uncomfortable for a child. Find out how you can ease their discomfort.

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